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Sunday, March 14, 2010

hi everyone.
went to an awesome party last night.... it was so awesome :) check out my facebook page for some pics :) the theme was fantasia aka disney :) I went as dorothy from The wizard of oz.... yes I know strictly speaking it isn't disney but oh well. the costume was so awesome, although the toto doll dog thing was just a tad on the scary demonic looking side of things.... will post some pics up of it and my costume :)
anyways better be going, my pillow is calling me... stupid school tomorrow :'(

Spazzed at 9:43 PM
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Attempting to use my iPod Touch to bloG..... not as easy as it sounds everything is so small....

Spazzed at 7:13 PM
Sunday, December 06, 2009

 "Cute" - Stephen Jerzak

Your eyes are blue like the ocean
And baby I'm lost out at sea
Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me
I've been trying to ask you but I can't seem to speak
Was it love at first sight 'cause I walked by last week.

I'm singing Fa la la la la...

Your lips look so lonely
Would they like to meet mine
You are the one that I've been hoping to find
You're so sweet that you
Put Hersheys out of business
Can I have a photograph to show my friends that
Angels truly exist.

I'm singing Fa la la la la...

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

Is there something in your eye
Oh wait, it's just a sparkle
Can you get a little closer
And help me out a little bit
I scraped my knee fallin' for you
But baby a kiss will do.

I'm singing Fa la la la la la...

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

I'm falling in love
And wouldn't I like to think so
And every night I look at the stars out my window
And I hope I can see
The one that we saw together
It was just you and me and honestly
I'll look for that star forever.

I'm falling in love
And wouldn't I like to think so
And every night I look at the stars out my window
And I hope I can see
The one that we saw together
It was just you and me and honestly
I'll look for that star forever.

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

Spazzed at 10:54 AM
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ok yes I was bored. Yes I'm strange. And yes I love animals. I recently interrogated my husband Google asking him to show me the cutest pics of baby animals. I have picked out the cutest just to show you :)


And I saved what (in my pinion) is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen :)

Spazzed at 3:03 PM
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Well as we all know (well o actually just me) I spent Halloween down at the local pub with my mum and dad and a few of their friends and had soo much fun. I dressed up of course (It was Halloween Duh!) as a devil :). Ans as the night progressed i got more and more "Nice Horns", "You must be a very Naughty Naughty lady" (My godmother was sitting there tapping him on the shoulder saying "Nope nope! thats the goddaughter. NOPE! stop it!" i was laughing so much i was almost crying :) I also got "hey you got a great pair of horns there" Yeah great thanks... But it was a very fun night. It was Rosco )The guy who owns the pub)'s birthday and he's good friends with my parents so yeah. My night was fun-filled with many different characters including a fairy...

A Witch

A... Smurf.....

and more of the same (well no more smurfs but lots of witches :) )

So yes my night was fairly eventful with lots of quotes becoming well quotes eg:
"Is it illegal for a drunken smurf to be riding around on a bike??"

"Hey Hey Hey" (with girly voice)

"See you can trust me! I has a halo!" (makes circle with hands above head.... whilst wearing devil horns)

Keith: "Woo yeah! Go Sam!!!!
Alana: " Keith Sal not Sam"
Keith: "Oh Yeah... WOOO GO SAL!"

Alana: "What does he want to do?"
Stacey: "Take his pants off"
Alana: "Keith no!
Stacey: "Sit down Keith"
Keith: "I'm not even standing up! You can't tell me to sit down when I am!"
Stacey: "Sit down"
Keith: "Fine"

Alana: "You never ever forget the first time you meet Matt"
Stacey: "The first time I met Matt, he was on the toilet..."
Keith: "Yeah we walked up the stairs and there he is taking a shit with the door wide open, talking to Leish who was cooking dinner. He didn't even shut the door, he just covered it up with his hands! and I was like Matt this is stacey and he was like Nice to meet you Stacey, I'd shake your hand but I'm taking a shit."

Stacey: He's not my boyfriend! He must be your Boyfriend!
Marni: Nope he's my god-brother, definitely not my boyfriend
Stacey: Oh Wow. Well maybe he's still your boyfriend.
Marni: Nope he's definitely yours.
Stacey: Wow that's embarrassing isn't it
Marni: Haha Yeah sure 
Stacey: Wait! that makes us like sisters or something... in a twisted kind of way... **gasp** we could be like tistwd sisters you know? like (sings) "Oh We're Not Gonna Take It No, We Ain't Gonna Take It Oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore"

Well thats all I can remember.. for now I'm sure there will be further blogging about my awesome night :)

Spazzed at 5:22 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

OMG im such a retard! i was reading over my blogs (= boredom) and i was reading the one about BANJO Patterson..... i put James Patterson instead of Banjo


Spazzed at 8:39 PM

You know what i just noticed???? after my posts... it says "spazzed at (insert time here)" instead of posted or whatever... random... 

Spazzed at 8:34 PM